Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Call of God, by Kong Hee

So David went to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there; and he said, “The LORD has broken through my enemies before me, like a breakthrough of water.” Therefore he called the name of that place Baal Perazim. 2 Samuel 5:20

Every one of us has a call of God for our lives. You are called by God to do something specific for Him. There is no useless person in life and you should not be drifting through life without a sense of destiny or purpose. From David’s experience in 2 Samuel 5, you can learn five important lessons about discerning God’s calling for you:

(1) What word or rhema have you received from the Lord? That word will be a good indicator of your calling in life. David had a word from heaven that he shall be the shepherd and ruler of Israel (5:1-2). Faith comes by hearing that rhema. Without that rhema revelation, you won’t have the faith to obey.

(2) What are you gifted and anointed with? David was anointed three times in his life: by the prophet Samuel, by the men of Judah, and by the elders of Israel (5:3). An anointing is an impartation of ability by the Holy Spirit. God never wastes His anointing. What He has gifted and anointed you with is often indicative of your calling.

(3) What does other trusted leadership see in you? The reason elders chose him was because the gifting and ability of kingship in David were already clearly evident to all (5:3). God works through spiritual protocol. A calling upon your life should be evident to the mature, spiritual leadership God has surrounded you with. Let them confi rm your calling.

(4) How are your enemies opposing you? If you are not walking in your calling, you will never be a threat to Satan. But the moment you step into your destiny, you can be sure he is not going take things lying down. He will be very agitated and start hindering you (5:3). Sometimes, an unprovoked attack could be an indication that you are walking in your calling.

(5) What breakthrough has God provided you with? When David went to the Valley of Rephaim, God provided a way for him to attain resounding victory over his enemies. He renamed that valley Baal Perazim, which means “Master of Breakthroughs”(5:20). God often speaks to us through an open door. When you receive a breakthrough in an impossible situation, it is a good sign that God wants you to walk through it. That is your calling from the Lord.

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