Victor is an ordinary man loving an extraordinary God and his family. Success to him means living everyday to the fullest, being grateful for everything he has and just simply appreciating the fun and joy in life.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Embracing the Lean Times by Os Hillman
Have you ever considered at what point a test becomes so difficult that you decide you can no longer trust in God and you must take over to solve the problem? The prophet Jeremiah describes a situation in which the temptation to solve a financial problem can become so great that we trust in man's way to solve it.
This is what the Lord says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord. He will be like a bush in the wastelands; he will not see prosperity when it comes. He will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives. But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit" (Jeremiah 17:5-8).
Jeremiah drew a sharp comparison between the man who trusts in his own effort to solve his problem and the man who trusts in God when he cannot see the outcome. The man who trusts in God bears fruit despite the circumstances in his life. He does not shrivel when the heat comes; in fact, his roots go deeper into God's grace. He continues to bear fruit in spite of his circumstances.
Recently, a friend from South Africa explained to me that whenever a plant lives in an arid climate, the roots drive deeper and deeper into the soil to get the water they need. This forces the plant to develop a root system that is far beyond the normal plant because it is forced to go deeper to gain the water it needs. Sometimes God forces us to go deeper into the grace of His love in order to build a greater foundation in our own lives. These lean times are designed to accomplish this in us. If you find yourself in this condition, ask the Lord who provides the water for our soul for the grace you need today to continue to bear fruit in the desert.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Start Living in Prime Time by Denis Waitley
Each yesterday, and all of them together, are beyond your control. Literally all the money in the world can't undo or redo a single act you performed. You cannot erase a single word you said. You can't add an "I love you," "I'm sorry", or "I forgive you", not even a "thank you" you forgot to say. Each human being in every hemisphere and time zone has precisely 168 hours a week to spend. And some of the most precious hours occur in prime time.
Consider this: most of your daytime hours are spent helping other people solve their problems. The little time you have in the evenings and on weekends is all you have to spend on yourself, on your own dreams and goals, and personal development. Some thoughts to ponder:
• Have supper with your loved ones at least two to three times per week. It's the best time for casual conversation to listen to what those close to you feel is important in their lives. Mealtime is a time to dialogue.
• A television set is an appliance. It should be used, at most, for two hours at a time. It should be off, unless specific programs of interest are selected. It should not be used as a one-eyed baby sitter. For the most part, TV exposes us to negative role models.
• Instead of watching television why not read a good fiction or non-fiction book, write a letter, engage in a hobby or craft, call a friend or someone in need of encouragement on the phone, network on your computer, go out to an ethnic restaurant, a home show, an entrepreneurial show, a musical recital, a play, a fitness class, or cultural event. Take an art or photography class. Use prime time to live the kind of life others put on layaway.
Action Idea: If you and your family/friends watch TV, try not turning it on for one week. When you do watch TV, reduce by 50% the amount of time you spend watching it. Concentrate your evenings and free time engaged in hands on, real life experiences, you can touch, feel, smell and engage all your senses in. Instead of virtual reality, insist on the real thing.
Friday, December 08, 2006
What is Success? by Chris Widener
Success has been an elusive term since the beginning of time. For ages, men and women have pursued that which would make them happy and fulfilled. At the same time they have tried to determine that which would make them feel as though they have achieved success. Some have defined success themselves, while others have been content to have others, or societies at large, define success for them. We would most certainly all agree that to a large degree, "success" is defined by the individual or group that is pursuing it.
Is there an objective definition of success? I do think that there are some general principles, shown throughout history, which measure true success. I would like to give you some principles that I believe are helpful when thinking about the subject for yourself, your family, and your career.
Before we begin, I need to say that I am excited about the direction that much of the recent success literature has taken. While I don't agree with all of the viewpoints that are expressed, I am glad that more emphasis has been placed on what I call "whole-life" success, including such things as family, health, and spirituality. Success literature that is centered on financial wealth and the attaining of material possessions only, is not truly success literature in the broadest sense of the term. While financial success is good, it is certainly not the final measurement of the fulfilled life.
To truly understand success, one must first understand the nature of human beings. I believe that you would agree with me that humans are in their very nature a trichotomy, that is, they are made up of three parts: Body, Soul (the mind, emotions, and will), and Spirit (that part of us that transcends this body). To achieve whole-life fulfillment, "Success," each of these areas must receive special attention in order to bring balance to our lives and achieve true success.
In the past, success has come to be measured by a basic core of measurable objectives, all of which, in and of themselves are fine, but in and of themselves are totally inadequate to fulfill a person. Some of these are:
Money. The accumulation of money has always been a pursuit of man. The more money the better, it has been believed. And yet many who have achieved this end have looked back at the rest of us and warned that it isn't all that it is cracked up to be. Now, don't get me wrong, having money is not a bad thing. Many people misquote the New Testament when they say, "Money is the root of all evil." In fact, the N.T. says "The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." Money is neutral. What people allow money to do to them, is not. So the pursuit of money, in the right frame of mind, can be a good thing.
Power. Power, like money, is high on the list of success goals. And, like money, power is bad or good based on the use it receives in the hands of people. Power, whether political or simply untitled influence, can be a good thing. If you achieve power that is good, as long as you are good with it.
Happiness. This is almost entirely subjective and usually includes one or all of the other success goals. People define their version of success and then pursue it. Usually it means a sense of fulfillment and peace, which I will discuss later on.
Freedom. Whether as individuals or groups, freedom has rightly been a pursuit and definition of success. America, even with its faults, is still the epitome of freedom. This is why so many people from around the world long to come to America or other fine democratic countries. As individuals, they want to be able to choose their own destiny, to wake up every day and do what they want, to as opposed to what someone else chooses for them.
Healthy relationships. Let's face it, life is not lived alone. We are in a plethora of relationships, from the very superficial to the most intimate. Let's also agree that unhealthy relationships are not good. Nothing can bring a person down quicker or for a longer time than trouble in a cherished relationship. And yet, millions of people have realized that the pursuit of some goals have been to the detriment of their personal relationships. This is what John R. O'Neil calls "The Paradox of Success."
Health. The joy of success is not in the achievement of it, but the experience of it. It is the conscious knowledge of your success, the fruit of your success, which brings fulfillment. And if you are not healthy, you can almost certainly not enjoy your success. Your health is perhaps the most cherished of all possessions. Without it, you cannot enjoy your other possessions.
A relationship with God. For most people, eternal questions are important, even the most important. To be sure, we live after this life a lot longer than we do in this life! Having a belief in God and an understanding of his ways has long been a pursuit and goal of people, regardless of age, nationality, race or gender.
So, how can we sum this all up? What is success? Is it one of the above? All of them? Something else? I have found something that helps me understand the concept of success very well. It is the Hebrew word "Shalom." Most people have heard this word interpreted as "peace," and, in its simple definition, that is indeed what it means. But the understanding of the word peace to those who originally used this word meant something very broad. When someone said "shalom" to you, they were wishing you peace in every area of your life. They meant success to you. This incorporated all areas of your life. It meant wholeness. They were saying, "May your finances be well. May your health be well. May your mind and heart be at rest. May your relationships be good. May you know and understand God. May you be blessed in every area of your life."
So what is success? It is wholeness in every area of your life. It isn't the achievement of one area to the detriment of one or more of the others. This isn't balance and won't bring us peace.
This is what the phrase, "Made for Success" is all about, to challenge and encourage you to pursue and achieve true success, peace in every area of your life. Shalom!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Journals by Jim Rohn
The reason why I spend so much money for my journals is to press me to find something valuable to put in them.
There are three things to leave behind: your photographs, your library and your personal journals. These things are certainly going to be more valuable to future generations than your furniture!
Don't use your mind for a filing cabinet. Use your mind to work out problems and find answers; file away good ideas in your journal.
Keeping a Journal - One of the Three Treasures to Leave Behind by Jim Rohn
I used to take notes on pieces of paper and torn-off corners and backs of old envelopes. I wrote ideas on restaurant placemats. On long sheets, narrow sheets and little sheets and pieces of paper thrown in a drawer. Then I found out that the best way to organize those ideas is to keep a journal. I've been keeping these journals since the age of twenty-five. The discipline makes up a valuable part of my learning, and the journals are a valuable part of my library.
I am a buyer of blank books. Kids find it interesting that I would buy a blank book. They say, "Twenty-six dollars for a blank book! Why would you pay that?" The reason I pay twenty-six dollars is to challenge myself to find something worth twenty-six dollars to put in there. All my journals are private, but if you ever got a hold of one of them, you wouldn't have to look very far to discover it is worth more than twenty-six dollars.
I must admit, if you got a glimpse of my journals, you'd have to say that I am a serious student. I'm not just committed to my craft, I'm committed to life, committed to learning new concepts and skills. I want to see what I can do with seed, soil, sunshine and rain to turn them into the building blocks of a productive life.
Keeping a journal is so important. I call it one of the three treasures to leave behind for the next generation. In fact, future generations will find these three treasures far more valuable than your furniture.
The first treasure is your pictures. Take a lot of pictures. Don't be lazy in capturing the event. How long does it take to capture the event? A fraction of a second. How long does it take to miss the event? A fraction of a second. So don't miss the pictures. When you're gone, they'll keep the memories alive.
The second treasure is your library. This is the library that taught you, that instructed you, that helped you defend your ideals. It helped you develop a philosophy. It helped you become wealthy, powerful, healthy, sophisticated, and unique. It may have helped you conquer some disease. It may have helped you conquer poverty. It may have caused you to walk away from the ghetto. Your library, the books that instructed you, fed your mind and fed your soul, is one of the greatest gifts you can leave behind.
The third treasure is your journals: the ideas that you picked up, the information that you meticulously gathered. But of the three, journal writing is one of the greatest indications that you're a serious student. Taking pictures, that is pretty easy. Buying a book at a book store, that's pretty easy. It is a little more challenging to be a student of your own life, your own future, your own destiny. Take the time to keep notes and to keep a journal. You'll be so glad you did. What a treasure to leave behind when you go. What a treasure to enjoy today!
Confidence in Numbers by Os Hillman
It just seems to be human nature. As we grow in wealth and ability, our confidence moves from complete trust in the Lord to trust in our resources. King David decided one day that he needed to know how many fighting men he had in his army. This was a grievous sin in the nation of Israel. God always made it clear to the nation that He, not their army, was their source. It was against the law of God to number the troops. David's general, Joab, knew the serious nature of such an action.
But Joab replied to the king, "May the Lord your God multiply the troops a hundred times over, and may the eyes of my lord the king see it. But why does my lord the king want to do such a thing?" (2 Samuel 24:3)
Joab knew that David was treading in dangerous waters when he brought up the idea to him. But David had it in his mind that this is what he was going to do. And he did. The result: God judged David for this sin by smiting the nation with a plague that resulted in the loss of 70,000 lives.
Recently, I was having lunch with a former stockbroker who lost everything in the 1987 stock crash in the United States. He made an interesting comment. "You cannot know how to fully trust the Lord in the financial area until you really have to. When I lost everything, I was forced to trust Him when I knew I could not pay my next bill unless God provided. This was the time I learned to trust God. I never had to trust God before I lost my money because I had plenty. We don't willingly enter this level of trust with God."
Ask God today to keep you from trusting in your own resources. Ask Him how to balance trust and blessing from Him this day.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Success is a Journey, not a Destination by Adam Khoo
A couple of days ago, I watched Adam Sandler’s latest blockbuster ‘Click’, I thought it would be Sandler’s usual mindless, slapstick and vulgar comedy (which I love to unwind to by the way!). To my surprise, it was not only funny but extremely philosophical and life transformational…if you actually look deep beyond just the comedy and into the message it is delivering.
The show was about a success driven architect (played by Adam Sandler) who like many people, looked forward to achieving his career goals of becoming a partner and a CEO one day. In his quest for career success, he had to constantly sacrifice his time for family and the hours of hard work that came with it. However he dreaded having to go through all the months and years of hard work, slogging and worry before he could eventually get his promotion. He wished that he could just skip through his family commitments 9when they cropped up) so he could just get his work done and achieve his goals.
So, it was a dream come true when a strange man from nowhere appeared and gave him a Universal Remote that could fast forward/pause/mute and rewind every part of his life that he did not like to go through. At first, it seemed like a dream come true when he could fast forward through his wife’s nagging, time he had to spend with his children and parents, hours working on his project and even fast forwarding through sex. He was so impatient on achieving his goal that he kept fast-forwarding through all the tough times so that he could only experience THE END RESULT, theta he thought would make him happy. During fast forward mode, his mind would go on ‘auto-pilot’ where he just ‘went through the motions’. He just wanted to reach his life’s destinations without having to walk the journey.
After fast forwarding through A WHOLE YEAR of LIFE and feeling the happiness of finally receiving his dream promotion to partner, he discovers that his children have all grown up and apart from him. His wife has lost her feelings from him as he acted like a zombie (his mind was on autopilot). After his constant habit of fast forwarding, the Universal remote develops a ‘habitual memory’ and keeps fast forwarding through all his family time, all his work hours to only arrive at his goals. The next thing he knew, the Remote fast forwarded TEN YEARS into the future within a split second, where he becomes CEO of his company. Except when he reaches there, he finds that his wife had left him, his parents have died and his children have all grown up and moved on. He was so fixated on getting his goal that he was not there to experience all these events. Soon after, he suffers a heart attack and his minutes away from death.
It was there that he realized that his whole life had passed him by in a blink of an eye and that he would trade all his goals for the chance to go back and experience every single event that he fast forwarded past.
In real life, many people do the same thing. We think that it is reaching the end of the rainbow and finding the pot of gold that would make us happy. We think that it is only the day that we make that $1 million or the day we become CEO that we become happy. So we miserably slog through each day or our lives, forgetting & ignoring the beauty of the people and events around us. However, the truth is that the happiness derived from reaching a goal may seem super exciting for a few moments. However, the next thing we know, we must pursue and reach another higher goal in order to feel that short happiness once again.
If you think about it, we spend 99% of the time chasing a goal and 1% of the time achieving it. If you only allow yourself to enjoy and feel happy when you achieve a goal, then you are only happy during 1% of your life. That’s crazy! You allow yourself to feel miserable 99% of the time in order to feel happy 1% of the time.
This show truly reminded me that success is about enjoying and savoring each and every step of the journey; the pleasant times and the bad. The easy and the tough times. I remind myself to enjoy every moment I am on stage speaking, listening to my wife (even when she nags), watching my children play, writing my books, dealing with huge challenges, training my participants and managing my staff. I find that when I truly enjoy each step of the journey that I am truly successful.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The Ant Philosophy by Jim Rohn
Second, ants think winter all summer. That's an important perspective. You can't be so naive as to think summer will last forever. So ants are gathering in their winter food in the middle of summer.
An ancient story says, "Don't build your house on the sand in the summer." Why do we need that advice? Because it is important to think ahead. In the summer, you've got to think storm. You've got to think rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun.
The third part of the ant philosophy is that ants think summer all winter. That is so important. During the winter, ants remind themselves, "This won't last long; we'll soon be out of here." And the first warm day, the ants are out. If it turns cold again, they'll dive back down, but then they come out the first warm day. They can't wait to get out.
And here's the last part of the ant philosophy. How much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for the winter? All he possibly can. What an incredible philosophy, the "all-you-possibly-can" philosophy.
Wow, what a great philosophy to have - the ant philosophy. Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Noah's Ark
Monday, November 06, 2006
Ruan Ruan de Gan Jue
Friday, October 27, 2006
Sweet~! Thanks Dear!

Thank u dear2 for all de FuN n LAuGhTeR u ve brought into my life
for de past 14 months!! Yeah! more to come..tsk tsk!!!
HapPi 14 MoNtHs dear2 muach2! Heee :o) BIG HUG :@)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Seeing the Works of God
When you were a child, perhaps you may have gone to the ocean for a vacation. I recall wading out until the waves began crashing on my knees. As long as I could stand firm, the waves were of no concern to me. However, as I moved farther and farther into the ocean, I had less control over my ability to stand. Sometimes the current was so strong it moved me down the beach, and I even lost my bearings at times. But I have never gone so far into the ocean that I was not able to control the situation.
Sometimes God takes us into such deep waters that we lose control of the situation, and we have no choice but to fully trust in His care for us. This is doing business in great waters. It is in these great waters that we see the works of God.
The Scriptures tell us that the disciples testified of what they saw and heard. It was the power behind the gospel, not the words themselves, that changed the world. The power wasn't seen until circumstances got to the point that there were no alternatives but God. Sometimes God has to take us into the deep water in order to give us the privilege to see His works.
Sometimes God takes us into the deep waters of life for an extended time. Joseph was taken into deep waters of adversity for 17 years. Rejection by his brothers, enslavement to Pharaoh, and imprisonment were the deep waters for Joseph. During those deep waters, he experienced dreams, a special anointing of his gifts to administrate, and great wisdom beyond his years. The deep water was preparation for a task that was so great he never could have imagined it. He was to see God's works more clearly than anyone in his generation. God had too much at stake for a 30-year-old to mess it up. So, God took Joseph through the deep waters of preparation to ensure that he would survive what he was about to face. Pride normally engulfs such young servants who have such access to power at such a young age.
If God chooses to take us into deep waters, it is for a reason. The greater the calling, the deeper the water. Trust in His knowledge that your deep waters are preparation to see the works of God in your life.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Passing the Tests
References:--> 1 Samuel 28:17 The Lord has torn the kingdom out of your hands and given it to one of your neighbors-to David.
When God anoints a person, a pattern of testing appears to take place at specific times in the leader's life. God often takes each leader through four major tests to determine if that person will achieve God's ultimate call on his or her life. The person's response to these tests is the deciding factor in whether they can advance to the next level of responsibility in God's Kingdom.
Control-Control is one of the first tests. Saul spent most of his time as king trying to prevent others from getting what he had. Saul never got to the place with God in which he was a grateful recipient of God's goodness to him. Saul was a religious controller. This control led to disobedience and ultimately being rejected by God because Saul no longer was a vessel God could use.
Bitterness-Every major character in the Bible was hurt by another person at one time or another. Jesus was hurt deeply when Judas, a trusted follower, betrayed Him. Despite knowing this was going to happen, Jesus responded by washing Judas' feet. Every anointed leader will have a Judas experience at one time or another. God watches us to see how we will respond to this test. Will we take up an offense? Will we retaliate? It is one of the most difficult tests to pass.
Power-Power is the opposite of servanthood. Jesus had all authority in Heaven and earth, so satan tempted Jesus at the top of the mountain to use His power to remove Himself from a difficult circumstance. How will we use the power and influence God has entrusted to us? Do we seek to gain more power? There is a common phrase in the investment community, "He who has the gold rules." Jesus modeled the opposite. He was the ultimate servant leader.
Greed-This is a difficult one. Money has the ability to have great influence for either good or bad. When it is a focus in our life, it becomes a tool of destruction. When it is a by-product, it can become a great blessing. Many leaders started out well-only to be derailed once prosperity became a part of their life. There are thousands who can blossom spiritually in adversity; only a few can thrive spiritually under prosperity.
As leaders, we must be aware when we are being tested. You can be confident that each one of these tests will be thrown your way if God calls you for His purposes. Will you pass these tests? Ask for God's grace today to walk through these tests victoriously.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Take a Turn at Tenacious! by Chris Widener
I have worked with many successful people; people who have achieved the kinds of lives they have dreamed about. I have also worked with many people who are not anywhere near where they want to be in life. Many times those who are not successful resent those who are and believe that somehow success was handed to those who have achieved much.
What I have found however is that actually the reverse is true. Those who have achieved much have worked much HARDER than those who are not successful. You wouldn't believe the stories of struggle that I hear from those who now appear on "top of the heap." Yes, they are successful, but no, it wasn't handed to them! And I find that most of the unsuccessful people who come to me actually haven't been tenacious at all. I find that with many of the people I speak to who complain about their lack of success simply haven't persevered and been tenacious. When I ask them questions I usually get excuses. Yes, there are exceptions on both sides, but I find this to be almost universally true.
If you are one who finds yourself dreaming of a better life, or looking at someone who "has it made," I would ask you to take a long, deep look inward and at your life to find whether or not you have actually been tenacious in pursuit of your dreams. How long have you gone for it? Many people who achieve much go for YEARS before they achieve what their hearts long for? How hard have you gone for it? Most people who achieve much have given up much. They have sacrificed much. They strive valiantly for what it is that resides deep in their dreams. They just plain ol' work hard!
So what are the principles of tenacity? What do you need to know in order to take your turn at the tenacious? Here are some thoughts to start your fire and get you going!
1. Sometimes you just have to outlast the others.
"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." William Feather
I have found that many people start on their dreams but most never finish. Then those who stop resent those who make it. The truth is that most people who become successful have simply mastered the art of keeping on keeping on! I myself can remember early on in my career when I would get discouraged and I literally said to myself, "One more week. Just give it one more week." Quite frankly, this is what got me through a couple of years of my work early on. I hung on as others let go.
It is easy to get disheartened. Ask those who have achieved success if they ever got disheartened and you will find some of the most amazing stories you have ever heard. Give it a try: Go to the most successful person you know and ask them if they ever thought about quitting. Ask them how they kept on going. You will be amazed at what you hear.
2. Sometimes you just have to hold on at the end.
"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." Franklin Roosevelt
I wonder how many people have quit just as they would have begun their entrance into success? Sure there are many who quit at the first sign of hard work, but what about those who, after the tenth time of trial then give up, just as fate would have seen them go through one last hurdle and then into the promised land? How many people were on their last hurdle and decided not to jump? How many people had just one more mountain pass to go? Or just one more river to cross?
Of course we will never know, but certainly some of the people who quit are doing so on what would have been their last trial, right?
So what does this mean for you? For me it means I do not quit because I would hate to find out later that all I needed was just one last effort and I would have achieved my goal. What if it isn't my last trial? That's okay because as long as I keep going, eventually I will get to my last trial, I will overcome it, and I will enter the Winner's Circle.
3. Sometimes the most beautiful results come from dull things under pressure.
"Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs." Malcolm Forbes
If coal wasn't an inanimate object it would certainly scream, "Stop! I want out!" But that coal, when facing incredible pressure, is turned into one of earth's most precious possessions. Ugly, dirty old coal is transformed into beautiful diamonds.
Instead of looking at pressure and trials as the reason to quit, get tenacious and see them as the very thing that will make your life the beautiful thing that you desire it to be. See it as your opportunity to learn, to grow, and to be transformed. See these trials as the very things that will enable you to have the life that dream of!
Trials will surely come. Life will get hard. You will want to quit.
Then you will have a choice: Will you give up? Or will you take your turn at tenacious. The choice you make will determine much of the rest of your life.
My advice? Take your turn at tenacious. You will become stronger, and you will end up living the life you dream of!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Treasures in Jars of Clay
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;
persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body.
So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
It is written: "I believed; therefore I have spoken." With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak,
because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you in his presence.
All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Finding the Will of God
How would you describe the process by which you find and do God's will in your life? For some, finding God's will is like playing bumper cars. We keep going in one direction until we bump into an obstacle, turn, and go in another direction. It is a constant process of elimination, failure, or success. Is this the way God would have us find His will? No. There is much more relationship between hearing God's voice and living within the mystery of His omnipotence in our lives. Perhaps this process is more like water in a streambed. The water is constantly flowing to a final destination. As it presses against the streambed, it gently points the water toward its final destination. There are no abrupt head-on collisions, simply slight modifications of direction. Occasionally, we come to a sharp turn in the contours of our life. For those times, God allows us to stretch our normal response to change. A popular Bible study says that we cannot go with God and stay where we are. Finding and doing God's will always require change. What changes are necessary in your life to join God in what He is already doing?
There is a direct connection between finding and doing God's will and having God's law in our heart. A friend once complained that he did not know what God wanted of him in his life. My immediate response was, "How much time do you spend with God in Bible study, prayer, and meditation on Scripture?" "Only a few minutes a day," he replied. How can we expect to hear and discern God's voice if we don't spend focused time with Him? If you have a spouse, how did you get to know him or her before you were married? You spent time together. You got to know everything about each other. Our walk with God is no different. It isn't enough to have a desire to follow God; we must put our energy into getting to know Him. His will for us flows out of our relationship, it is not an end in itself. Commit yourself to seeking Him more in your life by spending more time with Him. "Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (Jer. 33:3).
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Running the Race
Hebrews 12: 1-3 tells us how it is done.
First, we are to run LIGHT. Track stars wear the lightest shorts, shoes and shirts they can find so they are not dragged down by excess weight. You don't see many wearing raincoats or combat boots. We are encouraged to "lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us." (vs 1) What is it that weighs you down? Is there something that always raises it's head and trips you up when you want to run the race? We run effectively when we identify that sin, confess it and lay it aside. We are to run light.
Second, we are to run LOOKING. Good track coaches talk about the importance of not looking at your competition, but rather looking at the finish line. As believers we are to "fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith."(vs 2) When we concentrate on anything else we get ourselves in trouble. We compare ourselves with others, we loose sight of who we are to emulate (Jesus) or we head off in a wrong direction. Jesus is the beginner and finisher of our faith. We can only be an effective runner when we run looking at Him.
Finally, we are to run LONG. You have probably watched a track meet where someone started off at a blistering pace only to drop out of the race because they don't have the energy to finish. "For consider Him who has endured such hostility . . . so that you may not grow weary and lose heart." (vs 3) As Howard Hendricks says, "The Christian life is not a 100 yard dash, it is a marathon." If we don't realize that we are in for a long race, it is very easy to get discouraged, grow weary and perhaps lose heart. We avoid losing heart by remembering what Christ has done for us!
Effective runners rid themselves of excess baggage; they focus on the prize and not their circumstances; and they prepare themselves for a long race so that they don't lose heart and give up. May God give each of us the privilege of running well for Him.
Scripture: Hebrews 12: 1 - "Therefore since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, . . . let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."
Action Point: Which of these running practices do you need to apply today? A sin weighing you down? A misplaced focus on anything but Jesus? A weariness because you have forgotten what Christ has done for you? Don't let anything keep you out of the race.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Three Keys to Personal Power by Brian Tracy
Your Emotions Are Contagious
The first power you can develop is enthusiasm. The more excited you are about accomplishing something that is important to you, the more excited others will be about helping you to do it. The fact is that emotions are contagious. The more passion you have for your life and your activities, the more charisma you will possess, and the more cooperation you will gain from others. Every great man or woman has been totally committed to a noble cause and, as a result, has attracted the support and encouragement of others in many cases, thousands or millions of others.
The Key to Charisma
The second personality power that you can develop is expertise, or competence. The more knowledgeable you are perceived to be in your field, the more charisma you will have among those who respect and admire that knowledge because of the impact it can have on their lives. This is also the power of excellence, of being recognized by others as an outstanding performer in your field. Men and women who do their jobs extremely well and who are recognized for the quality of their work are those who naturally attract the help and support of others. They have charisma.
Prepare Thoroughly for Every Event
The third power of personality that gives you charisma in the eyes of others is thorough preparation, detailed preparation, prior to undertaking any significant task. Whether you are calling on a prospect, meeting with your boss, giving a public talk or making any other kind of presentation, when you are well-prepared, it becomes clear to everyone. The careers of many young people are put onto the fast track as a result of their coming to an important meeting after having done all their homework.
Get on Top of Your Subject
Whether it takes you hours or even days, if an upcoming meeting or interaction is important, take the time to get on top of your subject. Be so thoroughly prepared that nothing can faze you. Think through and consider every possibility and every ramification. Often, this effort to be fully prepared will do more to generate the respect of others than anything else you can do.
Keep Good Notes
Remember that the power is always on the side of the person who has done the most preparation and has the best notes. Everything counts. Leave nothing to chance. When you do something related to your work or career, take the time to do it right the first time.
You are a work in progress. You are always growing and improving. Your job is to become the very best leader you can be, and you can - with regular and persistent practice of these personality powers.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, get excited about your goals and your work if you want others to be excited. Express your belief and commitment to others at every opportunity.
Second, dedicate yourself to a lifelong process of getting better and better at what you do. Prepare thoroughly for every event. Set an example in everything you do.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
2. The Power of Visualisation
3. The Power of Confession
Words form the frame of the visual image.
Increase vocabulary = Increase the frame size
Confess the words of the Bible = Solid frame to hold our visions and dreams
I will hold on to the promises of God. Amen!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Amen! Full recovery and complete healing for diabetic condition of my dear2~ and mycosis fungoides for myself! Begone you naughty sickness~
Yeah! High five! Thank you Jesus!
Six Ways to Find a New Product by Brian Tracy
Read Everything You Can
The first way to find a new product or service is to read newspaper stories, read articles, read advertisements, read the classified ads. Very often when people have new products or services available in a market or they're looking for someone to sell it or distribute it, they advertise in the classifieds under business opportunities. Read all US publications that are written for businesspeople. Look for potential in new products or services everywhere.
Study Trade Magazines
The second way to find new products or services is to read trade magazines, especially in your field of knowledge or expertise. Libraries usually have them all. Go down to the library, take a look at all the magazines and then subscribe to the very best ones.
Visit Trade Shows
The third way to find a new product or service is to go to trade shows. You need only a business card to get into a trade show and they hold trade shows everywhere all the time. You can have business cards made up for you in 24 hours.
Talk to the Key People
Present yourself as a retail buyer. Sign up at the beginning, pay the entrance fee, and present yourself as a buyer looking to buy the products offered in the trade show. Then go in and talk to the key people there. Find out what they're doing. What they're selling. Where the market is going. What the industry trends are. What is successful and what is unsuccessful and so on.
Tap Into Your Network
The fourth way to find a new product or service is your friends. Tell them that you're looking for new product ideas. Tell them you're looking for something to sell, something to distribute. Have them keep an eye out for you. Sometimes your friends will see things that you won't see, or they'll see things when they're traveling and so on.
Keep Your Eyes Open
The fifth way to find new products or services is to read Entrepreneur Magazine. Read Success Magazine. Read Inc. Magazine. Read magazines where people advertise new products or services or business opportunities. Read The Wall Street Journal. Read Money Magazine. Read Fortune. Read Business Week. Read everything that you possibly can.
Look Overseas For New Products
The sixth source of new products is foreign publications. There are three foreign publications that you can get if you look around for them. One is called Made In Europe, which has hundreds and hundreds of products that are made by European corporations who are seeking US distributors. Sometimes the distribution rights for those products are available for the asking. There's also a book called Made In Hong Kong, which has hundreds and hundreds of products made by Hong Kong corporations. And then there's another catalog from the Taiwanese Trade Consulate that's available that lists hundreds of manufacturers of thousands of products who are looking for US distributors.
Remember, 95 percent of all products are never sold outside of the country that they're manufactured in. Sometimes all you have to do is find a product that is selling well somewhere else and bring it into your market area and that can be the start of your successful business.
Action Exercises
First, take action immediately on at least one of these ideas. Buy and read magazines, visit trade shows or subscribe to foreign publications. The more information you have, the better decisions you will be able to make.
Second, ask for what you want. If you see a product or service for sale somewhere, write to the company and ask for the right to distribute it in your market area. You may be surprised.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
It's Easy to Earn Money by Bob Proctor
Our school system has been designed as an environment to enlighten young minds, to replace ignorance with understanding and thereby improve the quality of life. Our educational system has obviously been successful in many areas. However, it has woefully neglected one important subject, "How to Earn Money." You can earn a doctorate degree in economics and have little or no knowledge of how to earn money. A lack of understanding in this area is the cause of numerous unwanted and unnecessary problems, since money is the medium of exchange that is used worldwide for other people's products and services.
There has always been a small, select group, approximately 3% of our population, who clearly understand that prosperity consciousness is the primary cause of wealth and their prosperity consciousness, like ignorance, is also passed down from one generation to the next.
Let's look at "money." What is it? Money is a reward you receive for the service you render. The more valuable the service, the greater the reward. Thinking of ways we can be of greater service will not only help us earn more money, it will also enable us to grow intellectually and spiritually.
Money Is An Idea
The paper you fold and place in your purse or pocket is not money. It is paper with ink on it. It represents money, but it is not money. Money is an idea. The earning of money has nothing to do with the paper stuff. It has to do with consciousness.
I am aware there are books that instruct you on how to manipulate the market, stocks and people… they might even help you get money. But, let me caution you… when there is no spiritual growth… there is no spiritual strength... there is no lasting happiness... and, there is no real or lasting wealth.
To accumulate wealth, a person must become very comfortable with the idea of money. That may sound strange, however most people are not comfortable with the idea of money, which is why they do not have any. The cause of poverty is poverty consciousness. A poverty consciousness will cause a person to see, hear, smell, think and feel... lack and limitation.
The late Mike Todd said, "Being broke is a temporary situation. Being poor is a mental state."
He was correct. There are wealthy people who lose every cent they have through a series of mistakes in judgment... but that does not make them poor. They will have it all back in a short time because of their prosperity consciousness.
If you have any question in your mind regarding your level of consciousness with respect to money, be very honest with yourself and look at your results. Study the patterns in your life.
If you want to improve your financial position in life, focus your attention on creating a higher level of prosperity consciousness. Begin by preparing a powerful, positive affirmation and fuel it with emotion. When you do this, you are depositing this creative energy in the treasury of your sub-conscious mind. And, by repeating this process over and over and over again every day, it will begin to alter your conditioning and mentally move you in the direction you want to go. Write it out, read it, feel it, and let it take hold of your mind.
How much money do you want? Saying you want more is not good enough. Five dollars is more. How much more? Decide on a figure. Be specific. You will not seriously want more money than you are capable of earning... however, you would be wise to remember, you must earn it.
There Are Three Income Earning Strategies
Trading time for money – By far the worst of the three income earning strategies, it is employed by approximately 96% of our population – doctors, lawyers, accountants, laborers, etc. There is an inherent problem with this strategy – saturation. You run out of time. If a person accumulates any degree of wealth employing this strategy, it will be at the expense of a life. They compromise on the car they drive, the house they live in, the clothes they choose and the vacations they take. They rarely, if ever, get what they want.
Investing money to earn money – This strategy is used by approximately 3% of the population. The number is small for the obvious reason – very few people have any money to invest. Many people who effectively employ this strategy follow the advice of a trusted, knowledgeable advisor.
Leveraging yourself to earn money – This is where you multiply your time through the efforts of others by setting up Multiple Sources of Income (MSI). This is, without question, the very best way to increase your income. Make a decision to have many sources of income; it's the strategy that wealthy people have used dating clear back to the ancient Babylonians. Unfortunately, this strategy is only used by approximately 1% of our population, yet that 1% earns approximately 96% of all the money that is earned! You are only a decision away from membership.
Once you determine how much money you want to earn, write it down on a sheet of paper in large figures. Look at the number with the dollar sign beside it and tell yourself over and over again:
That Amount of Money is an Effect.
It Represents a Reward that I Want to Receive. What Service Can I Render that Would be Deserving of that Reward?
You can take the total figure and divide it into multiple parts. Each part would represent a source of income. Each source of income represents a separate reward that you would receive for a service you would render.
Work on one source of income at a time; each one can become an exciting part of your life. What you are actually doing is thinking of different ways you can be of service to others.
Think of how you can do whatever you do – more effectively.
Think of how you can improve the quality and quantity of service you render.
Think of how you can help people in a greater way.
Money is the ultimate servant. The more you earn, the more you can help others.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Enunciate = Positive Self-talk
New imagination = Visualize in Images
Enlarge my knowledge base = Read Alot
Doing R+E+N = Meditation (Joshua 1:8)
and then = Prosperous & Successful
Action plan
Strive to make it financially and still be godly!
Your Ideal Self and Life by Brian Tracy
Determine Your Direction
The first part of the self-concept is the "self-ideal." Your self-ideal largely determines the direction in which you are going with your life. It guides the growth and evolution of your character and personality. Your self-ideal is a combination of all of the qualities and attributes of other people that you most admire. Your self-ideal is a description of the person you would very much like to be if you could embody the qualities that you most aspire to.
Strive Toward Excellence
Throughout your life, you have seen and read about the qualities of courage, confidence, compassion, love, fortitude, perseverance, patience, forgiveness and integrity. Over time, these qualities have instilled in you an ideal to which you aspire. You might not always live up to the very best that you know, but you are constantly striving to be a better person in light of those qualities that you value so highly. In fact, everything that you do on a day-to-day basis is affected by your comparing your activities with these ideal qualities and your striving to behave consistently with them.
Clarity is Essential
Successful salespeople have very clear ideals for themselves and their careers. Unsuccessful salespeople have fuzzy ideals. Successful salespeople are very clear about being excellent in every part of their work and their personal lives. Unsuccessful salespeople don't give the subject very much thought. One of the primary characteristics of successful men and women in every walk of life is that they have very clearly defined ideals and they are very aware of whether or not their current behaviors are consistent with their idealized behaviors.
Set Challenging Goals
Part of your ideals are your goals. As you set higher and more challenging goals, your self-ideal improves and crystallizes. When you set goals for the kind of person you want to be and the kind of life you want to live, your self-ideal rises and becomes a greater guiding and motivating force in your life.
Your Future is Unlimited
Perhaps the most important thing for you to realize is that whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well. Improvements in your self-ideal begin in your imagination, and in your imagination, there are no limits except the ones that you accept.
What is your ideal vision of the very best person you could possibly become? How would you behave each day if you were already that person? Asking yourself these questions and then living your life consistent with the answers is the first step to creating yourself in your ideal image.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, dream big dreams. Set big, exciting, challenging goals and ideals for yourself in every part of your life. Allow yourself to imagine a wonderful life ahead.
Second, think about how you would act if you were an outstanding person in every way. Then, practice being this person, as though you were acting a role in a play.
You’ll immediately notice a difference in your behavior.
Mind and Self Image 2
Monday, September 11, 2006
Mind and Self Image 1
Keep away from:
1. Earthly mind
2. Carnal mind
3. Proud mind
4. Childish mind
And grow in:
1. The mind of Christ
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Money: Debt-Free Living & Prosperity
1. Keep Good Records. Prov 27:23-24
2. Plan My Spending. Prov 21:5
3. Enjoy What I Already Have. Prov 21:17
4. Reduce My Debts Rapidly. Prov 3:27
5. Work Hard In My Job. Prov 10:4
6. Pay My Tithes Faithfully And On Time. 1Cor 16:2, Deut 14:22-23
7. Give My Best Offerings To God Regularly. Prov 3:9-10
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Love the Opportunity by Jim Rohn
For example, a guy says, "I'm digging ditches. Should I love digging ditches?" The answer is, "No, you don't have to love digging ditches, but if it is your first entry onto the ladder of success, you say, 'I'm glad somebody gave me the opportunity to dig ditches and I'm going to do it so well, I won't be here long.'"
You can be inspired by having found something; even though you are making mistakes in the beginning and even though it is a little distasteful taking on a new discipline that you haven't learned before. You don't have to love it, you just have to learn to appreciate where you live, appreciate opportunity and appreciate the person who brought you the good news; that found you.
Appreciate the person who believed in you before you believed in yourself, appreciate the person who said, "Hey, if I can do it, you can do it."
If you will embrace the disciplines associated with the new opportunity you will soon find that your self-confidence starts to grow, that you go from being a skeptic to being a believer. And soon when you go out person to person, talking to people, you will find it to be the most thrilling opportunity in the world. Every person you meet - what could it be? Unlimited! Maybe a friend for life. The next person could be an open door to retiring. The next person could be a colleague for years to come. It's big time stuff. And sometimes in the beginning when we are just getting started we don't always see how big it is.
So, before you are tempted to give up or get discouraged, remember all success is based on long term commitment, faith, discipline, attitude and a few stepping stones along the way. You might not like the stone you are on right now, but it's sure to be one of the stones that lead to great opportunities in the future.
Friday, September 01, 2006
AH BENG the Crazy Singaporean
> Because below 18 not allowed Lah !
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> Ah Beng wants to buy a TV set. He goes to a shop.
> Ah Beng : "Do you have color TV ?"
> Salesgirl : "Yes !"
> Ah Beng : "Give me a green one, please "
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> Ah Beng is filling up an application form for a job.
> He supplied the information for the columns on Name, Age,
> Address etc.
> Then he comes to column on "Salary Expected", but he is not sure
> of the question.
> After much thought, he writes " Yes "
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> Ah Beng goes to a store and sees a shiny object.
> Ah Beng : "What is that shiny object ?"
> Salesgirl : "That is a thermos flask."
> Ah Beng : "What does it do ?"
> Salesgirl : "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold"
> Ah Beng : "I'll buy it"
> The next day, Ah Beng goes to work with his thermo flask
> Boss : "What is that shiny object ?"
> Ah Beng : "It's a thermos flask."
> Boss : "What does it do ?"
> Ah Beng : "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold"
> Boss : "What do you have in it !?"
> Ah Beng : "Two cups of coffee and one cup of ice cream"
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> After taking photocopies of documents, Ah Beng always compares
> it with the original for spelling mistakes.
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> Ah Beng always smiles during lightning storms because he thinks
> his picture is being taken.
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> Why can't Ah Beng dial 911?
> Because he can't find the number 11 (eleven) on the phone.
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> Ah Beng had just bought a new computer and was using it.
> When he encountered some problems. He decide to use the 'Help'
> command after some tries.
> Soon after, he became very irritated and called the computer
> retailer for support.
> Ah Beng : "I press the 'F1' key for help lah, but it's been
> over half an hour and still nobody come and help me Lah ?!"
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> Ah Beng with two red ears went to his doctor.
> The doctor asked him what had happened to his ears and he
> answered, "I was ironing a shirt and the phone ring, lah - but
> instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it
> to my ear, lah" "Oh dear !" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But ...
> what happened to the other ear ?"
> Ah Beng answered : "That stupid dumbo called back, lah !!!!"
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> Ah Beng talk to a long-distance telephone operator.
> Taipei
> Operator: "JUST A MINUTE..."
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> After completing a jigsaw puzzle he'd been working on for
> quite some time, Ah Beng proudly shows off the finished puzzle to a
> friend.
> "It took me ONLY 5 MONTHS TO DO IT", Ah Beng brags.
> "FIVE MONTHS ? THAT'S TOO LONG", the friend exclaims.
> FOR 4-7 YRS".
> -------? ? ? ? ? ?-------
> At a bar in New York, the man to Ah Beng's left tells the
> bartender,
> and his companion says, "JACK DANIELS, SINGLE".
> The bartender approaches Ah Beng and asks, "AND YOU, SIR ?"
> Ah Beng replies : "Tan Ah Beng, MARRIED lah"
> -------? ? ? ? ? ? ?-------
Thursday, August 31, 2006
My Attitude = My Altitude
It shows the root of my character.
It's the being, not the doing.
And God is more interested in our being than our doing.
Then we can bear good fruit.
Read Matthew 5 - Beattitudes
My Attitude in life determines my Altitude in Christ.
Attitude = Humility (Servant's heart) + Willingness + Positive Outlook
God often has to allow my own plans to be broken so that He can give me bigger and better plans.
I am the clay. He is the Potter. Read Jeremiah 18.
Those who feel they are most ready to serve usually are the most unready.
When I feel I am not ready yet willing to take up the challenge, that's when God will use me. Let God's will be done.
Therefore, work on the little things entrusted to me and commit my life to God.
And my destiny will be revealed by Him in time to come.
God puts me through His dealings so that I can shine for Him.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Preparation For Your Presentations by Jim Rohn
To prepare to have something good to say, keep a keen interest in life and people. Don't let your senses go dull here. Guess what most people are trying to do - get THROUGH the day. Here is what I am asking this unusual audience to do - get FROM the day. Get from the day a clear picture of the drama of human life - some doing is right, some doing is wrong. Some gathering in; some throwing it away. Some building reputations; some letting it all slide.
Get from the day what is happening in politics. Read the newspapers. Read the magazines. Find out what's going on. Get from the periodicals. Get from what's happening. Get from your job. Get from your career. Get from the people around you. What is happening in the community? Get from all of that. The positive side, the negative side.
My parents used to say, "Attend everything." Some things are so costly; they might be out of reach for a while. Andrea Bocelli came to Beverly Hills. Guess what the tickets cost? $2,500.00 for a two-hour performance. That is pretty good pay. So some things might be out of reach, but whatever you can go to, get to. Save up the money and go, so that you will be more aware of what is going on around you.
Keep up that interest in people. Why do they do what they do? How come things are happening today that didn't happen thirty years ago?
Now the next word is fascination. Be fascinated with life and people and drama that is live and in color every day. Cinemascope. Fascination goes a little bit beyond interest. Interested people want to know does it work. Fascinated people want to know how does it work.
Kids have this unique ability to learn several languages in a six, seven-year period, and the reason is because they are so fascinated. They are so interested. They are so curious. Kids have to know, and that is how the drama of their learning takes on such speed in a fairly short period of time is because of this unusual interest and fascination and curiosity. We're walking on ants, and kids are studying them. They say, "Don't walk on those ants. I'm studying them." How come an ant can carry something bigger than they are? That is a good question. They must be unbelievably strong if they can carry something bigger than they are.
Here is something else I've learned. To be fascinated instead of frustrated. It is just a little trick to play. The next time you're tempted to be frustrated, see if you can't turn it into fascination. Instead of a frown, it puts a smile on your face. Now sometimes you look a little weird, but so be it. He says, "How can he smile?" I don't know. He must be somebody different.
Babe Ruth - Home Run King - back in those days of baseball used to strike out and come back to the bench smiling. They used to say, "Babe, you just struck out. How can you smile?" "I'm just that much closer to my next home run. Just stick around. It won't be long. One will be sailing over the fence." So find things fascinating instead of frustrating. Just try it. I've learned how to do it. Now make this note. It doesn't work every time. Nothing works every time, but every time you can get it to work, guess what? It will benefit your day. You'll get more from it. You'll be fascinated instead of frustrated.
Now I've also learned the ultimate. I'm fascinated by my own frustration. How come it doesn't take me long to loose it on occasion? It must be from my father's side. My mother was a gentle soul. Just find it all fascinating. I've talked to a lot of the Network Marketing companies over the years, and I give them that little clue. Somebody joins and you think they're going to stay forever, and they leave right away. You have to say, "Isn't that interesting?" And someone you thought would never make it, sure enough they become superstars. You have to say, "Isn't that interesting?" You say, "I thought they'd stay forever, they don't stay. Isn't that interesting. I didn't think they'd do anything, look what they're doing. Isn't that interesting?"
So that is a good phrase. Find it interesting. Find it fascinating. Wow, I never thought that would happen. I had another picture in mind. Wow! Was I ever wrong. And it's good sometimes to be wrong on the positive side. I didn't think it was going to work, and it worked. Say, "What if somebody doesn't look at your business opportunity?" Say, "What if they do?" It doesn't take much to turn the question around. Say, "What if they won't join after they look?" "What if they do? What if they join and stay." But I've got a better question, "What if they do stay?" "What if they quit after three months?" I have a better question, "What if they stay?"
So sometimes little tricks you can play to give yourself a different look because somebody could either stay or leave and wouldn't it be better to assume that they would stay and then if they leave say, "Isn't that interesting?" I have learned to do that with myself. "Wow! Look what I did. Isn't that interesting? Wow! I thought I was going to behave better. Wow! I lost it. Isn't that interesting? I thought for sure that wasn't going to bother me. Sure enough. I thought I had a handle on this. Looks like I've got some work to do." Find yourself fascinating and interesting as you journey through life. Give yourself a chance.
Now here is the next word that is very important if you want to be a good communicator, and that is sensitivity. Sensitive to someone's drama and trouble and difficulty. As you contemplate your own, now you can be sensitive to someone else. And there is no better way to be helpful than to do your best to try and understand. Here is the old phrase we've heard it, let's jot it down this time. "Learn to walk in someone's shoes for a while. Try to understand where they are." How come they're in this dilemma? Maybe it's something I don't know. I don't understand. How come this person is losing his temper when he should keep it? Who knows what might have happened the last three weeks. I don't know. Let's give somebody room by trying to understand.
Be sensitive to someone lashing out and being difficult at the same time. Hey! We can handle that. We don't have to retaliate and fight back. Can't we say, "Maybe there's a good reason this person behaves in this way." That is an easier way. Sensitivity. Trying to understand. Trying to comprehend the full drama of human experience. One of the greatest phrases in the Bible, "Blessed are the peacemakers." Guess what a peacemaker is? Someone that you hope is around when the conflict could be resolved. Someone who understands both sides and brings them together. Say, "I know you've got some animosity, but now that you've fought and that didn't settle it... couldn't we get together and reason this whole thing out.
So in times of conflict, we look for a peacemaker. And the peacemaker has to understand both sides of the issue. Say, "I understand your dilemma, and I can see where you're coming from, and I can understand why you said what you said then you said what you said. But hey! Isn't there a better way? Couldn't we find a better way to settle it all?" And that is what we are looking for.
Parents have to learn to be peacemakers when there are two sides to an issue and maybe neither one is that far wrong. But to try to settle it, we have to understand both sides. We have to understand the feelings on both sides, and that kind of sensitivity gives us a wonderful opportunity to grow, so that we can communicate and our words will be meaningful. Then the test comes, and the drama comes and the time comes to step up and speak or to sit down and speak or to be quiet and speak or to be loud and speak. Whatever that might call for, we'll be prepared if we do have a genuine understanding. So preparation in all areas of life is so vital to your success. Don't be lazy in preparing; don't be lazy in laying the groundwork that will make all of the difference in how your life turns out.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Staying Connected by Os Hillman
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I lift up my soul.
Two of the greatest inventions of my time has been the laptop computer and e-mail. The laptop means I no longer have to stay in one place to be productive in my business life. E-mail has allowed me to stay connected to people all around the world with the touch of a button.
My greatest frustration is when either of these does not work. Sometimes e-mail cannot be used because I can't get a connection. Sometimes I cannot use my laptop because I have not properly charged it, and then the charge runs out while I am on an airplane. Both of these situations mean I am unable to tap into the resource that allows me to fulfill my calling in my work to the fullest.
The morning time with God is much like these situations. God pours His Word into my spirit, and I am recharged. This recharging has an important effect on my day. It allows me the greatest opportunity to hear the small voice that directs my steps. If I refuse to "get connected," I risk following my own ways of fulfilling the duties of my day. It sets forth the opportunity for God to speak into my spirit what He desires for me each day. It allows me to focus on God's purposes, not mine.
The only way to know someone is to spend time with him or her. The only way to discern the voice of another is to hear that person's voice. David, the author of this psalm, was a warrior, king, and businessman. He understood this principle of connecting with God in the morning. His morning allowed him to connect with God's love, renew his trust in Him, and hear His directions for his life. Shouldn't you and I do the same?
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The Parable of Talents by Brian Tracy
Reasons for Rich or Poor
Why do some people retire rich and most people retire poor? This subject has fascinated philosophers, thinkers, mystics and teachers throughout the ages. There have been so many cases of hundreds or thousands and even millions of men and women who have started with nothing and become financially independent that people are naturally curious to know why it happened and what are the common rules or principles that others can apply to become wealthy as well.
Why People Become Rich
One illustration of this key principle is called the parable of the talents. In the Bible, it says, "To him that hath, shall more be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him that hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken away."
Accumulation Leads to More Accumulation
What does it mean? In the modern world, we say "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer." The fact is that people who accumulate money tend to accumulate more and more. People who don't accumulate money seem to lose even that little bit of money which they have. Why should this happen? The great success principle, the single idea that explains human destiny is simple. It says that, "you become what you think about, most of the time."
Control Your Thoughts
And whatever you dwell upon, grows in your reality. You create your entire world by the things you choose to think about and how you choose to think about them.
It just so happens that wealthy, successful people fill their minds with thoughts, words, pictures and images of wealth, affluence, success, productivity and solutions to problems in the marketplace, most of the time. These thoughts trigger the reticular activating cortex, the part of the brain that makes you more alert and sensitive to things that you have decided are important to you.
Activate Your Reticular Cortex
For example, if you decide to invest in a mutual fund, you will start to see news and information about mutual funds everywhere. Mentions in newspapers and magazines will jump out at you. These notices have always been there but now you have sensitized your brain to pick them up and draw them to your attention with far greater frequency and vividness. This is the function and power of your reticular cortex.
Avoid Poverty Thinking
On the other hand, what do poor people think about most of the time? Unfortunately, poor people fill their minds with thoughts of scarcity, lack, poverty, being unable to afford things. They are always thinking and talking about how little money they have, how much things cost and how they wish things could be better financially. What they think about most of the time is how little money they have.
Think Like Wealthy People Think
Wealthy people from an early age think about how much they have, how much they want and all the different things they can do to acquire and earn the money and things they desire.
Find Out How Rich People Think
Here's a rule for you. If you want to become successful, find out what failures do and don't do it. If you want to be wealthy, find out what poor people think about, and avoid thinking in those ways. Instead, find out how wealthy people think. Find out what they read. Find out how they spend their time. Study their lives, read their stories and autobiographies and listen to their words when they are interviewed and on tape. The more you find out what financially successful people think and talk about most of the time, and do the same things, the more rapidly you will enjoy the same rewards that they do.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to put this parable of the talents into action:
First, make a decision today that from now on you will think and talk only about the financial success that you desire. At the same time, you will refuse to talk about or dwell upon your financial problems.
Second, instead of saying, "I can't afford it," instead ask the question, "How can I afford it?" When you think of something that you want or need that you don't have the money for at the time, the only question you ask is, "How?" How can you get it? What can you do to achieve it? What are your options? How can you get from where you are to where you want to go? This type of attitude will change your life.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
The Seven Pillars of Society
2. Religion
3. Business
4. Government
5. Education
6. Arts
7. Media
The Marketplace = 2 to 7
Reach out! Impact the Marketplace! Change Society! Change Nations!
A Leader’s Moral Intelligence” by Tim Elmore
It was then that the real story unfolded. This woman and her son were homeless. A few months earlier both she and her husband had lost their jobs and now the three of them were living in their car. It wouldn’t be long before they would lose that as well, since they couldn’t continue their payments.
Think about it. They had almost nothing—and yet this woman still turned in every dime of that money she found in the store.
Her behavior set off an amazing series of events. Money, job offers and words of affirmation poured into that police station on a daily basis. Within weeks, she and her husband had over 700 employment opportunities, thousands of “thank you” letters, their car payments were made current, and they were given an overwhelming amount of cash...far more than if she’d kept the money in the wallet. In fact, one man walked into the police station and inquired about the exact amount of cash inside the lost wallet.
When he was told, he wrote a check for that amount and said, “Well then, that’s what this family deserves.”
Pauline and her husband responded by saying through her tears, “We had no idea this kind of reaction would happen. This is beyond our wildest dreams. All we did was the right thing.”
So what makes this kind of honesty and integrity so memorable? That’s simple. Because it’s so rare. What makes it so rare? In this day and age we live, let me suggest a few reasons.
First, we are very pragmatic.
It’s far too easy for us to rationalize keeping a lost wallet or camera or lottery ticket we find on the ground. We say: "It’s just a little thing," or "They must have insurance." We are masters at justifying our own needs and desires.
Second, we are impatient. Returning a lost item or explaining our right behavior can be a hassle and we are in a hurry to get to our own goals. We have no time to mess with forms or explanations. Sometimes it costs too much time and energy to do the ethical thing.
Third, we love progress. Sometimes, our love of progress can erode our integrity. Last month, I shared the story of a high school basketball coach who returned the state championship trophy because one of their players, who was ineligible, played for 45 seconds in a playoff game. Most of us would have said, “It’s no big deal! He only played for 45 seconds, and he had no bearing on our victory in the championship game!" Our love of victory can fog our sense of right and wrong.
Last month, we discussed why leadership integrity is in such demand. In this article, I want to unpack why its so important and how to develop it. We are calling it: moral intelligence. All humans have moral intelligence—to a greater or lesser degree. In the same way we are born linguistic (and have the capacity to speak a language) yet must still learn a language in our early years, we are born with the capacity to live morally, but we must learn to embrace integrity and morality.
Why Should Leaders Care?
So what’s the big deal? Why must leaders care so much about integrity and morality? Is it more important for leaders than anyone else? Why do we make such a huge issue out of character?
1. Character builds credibility.
Leaders won’t accomplish much if people don’t believe they are credible.
2. Character earns respect.
We all wish we got more respect. We don’t get it by pursuing it; we get it by building character.
3. Character creates consistency.
There’s nothing worse than a moody leader. Strong character enables you to live consistently.
4. Character earns trust.
Leadership operates on the basis of trust. People follow you in proportion to how much they trust you.
How Do We Develop Moral Intelligence?
Let me remind you that moral intelligence is not your I.Q. That measures your mental intelligence. It also isn’t your E.Q. That measures your emotional intelligence. Moral intelligence measures the depth of character you possess and the level of integrity you practice. It answers the question: Do you live and lead by your ethics? Let me give you a few action steps you can take to build your moral intelligence.
1. Interview leaders who possess character.
In the same way you learned to speak English by being around a family that spoke the language, you learn character by being around it. Find leaders who practice integrity and get around them. Spend time asking questions about how they developed it and how they think or make decisions.
2. Perform two practices each week that you don’t like.
I’ve done this for years. Find two actions each week that your flesh just hates to do; things that are difficult and require discipline to perform. Purposefully do them. It may be a chore, or cleaning up your desk or eating broccoli. This will build your character just like weight lifting builds your muscle mass. Keep your fleshly pleasures subordinate to your spiritual discipline.
3. Fix your eyes on a clear purpose and set some goals.
Few things keep us pure better than noble goals. Identify a goal that will stretch you and set some action steps that will move you toward that goal. By staying focused on an objective outside of yourself, you will find it easier to develop character.
4. Find one worthwhile need and give anonymously to it.
Here’s what I’ve discovered. When I give anonymously to some cause or need, my character grows each time I do it. It’s just how God wired us. When the reward is only in the act, not in being paid or thanked for our deed, our moral intelligence is what grows.
5. Learn the “why’s” behind God’s commands.
When we discover why God commands us to live a certain way, it helps us to live up to it. In fact, it also helps us to begin thinking like God thinks and valuing what He values.
6. Write out promises you’ve made.
By putting your promises on paper, you’ll often find a greater propensity to keep them. Sometimes it’s what marks the difference between living up to them and not achieving them.
When leaders pursue the construction of their character instead of pursuing some leadership position, it actually makes them more attractive. One might even argue it communicates a greater readiness for a leadership role. When someone says: “I will lead myself before I try to lead anyone else” it magnetically draws people to trust them. They become winsome and it positions them to be followed by others.
During the 1800s, Henry Clay was a politician who wanted to become president. However, he all but lost his chance to do so one afternoon in front of congress. That day, he planned on speaking on behalf of a bill that was very unpopular. His leglislation would call the states to a higher responsibility, and few liked it.
Just has he stepped up to the podium a friend grabbed him and said, “Henry—if you try to pass this bill you will ruin your chances at becoming president!”
Henry Clay just looked down at the bill in his hand and asked: “But is this right?”
When his friend replied, “Well, yes, I believe it is,” Henry Clay responded with these classic words: “Well then, I’d rather be right than president.”
Oh, could we use those words today.
Changing Lives ... One At A Time ....
Monday, August 21, 2006
Plan Every Day In Advance by Brian Tracy
Your ability to plan well, in advance of beginning, is a measure of your overall competence. The better the plan you have, the easier it is for you to overcome procrastination, to get started , and then to keep going.
Make A List
Always work from a list. When something new comes up, add it to the list before you do it. You can increase your productivity and output by 25% or more from the first day that you begin working consistently from a list.
Plan the Night Before
Make out your list the night before, at the end of the workday. Move everything that you have not yet accomplished onto your list for the coming day and then add everything that you have to do the next day. When you make out your list the evening or the night before, your subconscious mind works on your list all night long during sleep. Often you will wake up with great ideas and insights that you can use to get your job done faster and better than you had initially thought.
Create Different Lists
You need different lists for different purposes. First, you should create a master list on which you write down everything you can think of that you want to do some time in the future. This is the place where you capture every idea that comes to or every new task or responsibility that comes up. You can then sort out the items later.
You Need A Monthly List
Second, you should have a monthly list that you make up at the end of the month for the month ahead. This may contain items transferred from your master list.
Third, you should have a weekly list where you plan your entire week in advance. This is a list that is under construction as you go through the current week.
Create A Daily List
Finally, you transfer items from your monthly and weekly lists onto your daily list. These are the specific activities that you are going to accomplish that day.
As you work through the day, tick off the items on your list as you complete them. This activity gives you a visual picture of accomplishment. It generates a feeling of success and forward motion. Seeing yourself working progressively through your list motivates and energizes you. It raises your self-esteem and self-respect. Steady, visible progress propels you forward and helps you to overcome procrastination.
As you work through your lists, you will feel more and more effective and powerful. You will feel more in control of your life. You will be naturally motivated to do even more. You will think better and more creatively and you will get more and better insights that enable you to do your work even faster.
When you plan each day in advance, you find it much easier to get going and to keep going. The work goes faster and smoother than ever before. You feel more powerful and competent. You eventually become unstoppable.
Action Exercises
Begin today to plan every day, week and month in advance. Take a notepad or sheet of paper and make a list of everything you have to do in the next 24 hours. Add to it as new items come up. Make a list of all your projects, the big multi-task jobs that are important to your future.
Lay out each of your major goals, projects or tasks by priority, what is most important, and by sequence, what has to be done first, what comes second and so forth. Start with the end in mind and work backward.
Think on paper! Always work from a list. You’ll be amazed at how much more productive you become, and how much easier it is to eat your frog.